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Tech worker: "most of the jobs he’s applying for are paying a third less than what they used to" 🤔…
One of the best news in central banking is that groupthink is on the decline:
* uncertainty of how large a cut ahead of FOMC powow yesterday
* Bank of England didn't cut today
* Norway's central bank didn't cut: "restrictive policy needed"
* ECB claims knowing inflation path
* front-end yields lower
* 10-year yields higher
--> Market: 50bps cut == complacent on inflation?!
Powell's favorite word during presser: "revisions" h/t @FerroTV
Aging well as "Powell Warns Not to See Half-Point Cut as Fed’s New Pace" (BBG quote)
WSJ’s @RichardRubinDC on the ineptitude of our political leaders to address soaring deficits……
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